Ben's Duo...
Please consider taking a moment (or 7, just once a day until next Monday :) to vote for these two boys! They are finalist in nationwide contest that selects just 25 boys and girls to contend for $30,000 to make over, in their case, Cumru Elementary's Cafeteria. They will also receive $15,000 for themselves.
Two flyers for support, vote, vote, vote!
This is Austin's 5th year entering AND his 2nd time as a finalist—he has persevered and I think it's time for a win! This is Levi's first time entering and he is already a finalist. They both have their own thoughts on what they would like to see happen with potential winnings... Levi dreams of an extra Pizza Hut pizza day. Austin's thinking new silverware would do the trick...
Voting ends this coming Monday, Nov. 6—let's help them bring $30,000 to a berks county school! Vote for both boys once daily @ Ben's Beginners!!